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Writer's pictureKristin Richardson

New Year, New You: Get Organized in 2025

Hey, mamas, and welcome to 2025!

Quote from James Clear, Atomic Habits

If you’re anything like me balancing holidays, kids and work, the holidays were a whirlwind (and filled with too many sicknesses to count), and now you’re looking around wondering how to make 2025 go better than 2024.

I started Sherah in 2022 when I waved the white flag as an overwhelmed mom and even I have a tough time getting organized, delegating, and even remembering to use my own company's resources. We're just all moving too fast.

To me it's like church (stay with me here.) You don't go to church as an adult most of the time to learn something new. Usually you're going to be reminded about what's important, what is actually worth focusing on, and how to reframe how you think about your life.

It's not that different from Sherah actually. We know as stressed out moms that we need to be better at delegating, at trusting those around us to help us, to leaning into resources. Whether that's delegating to our spouses, asking a neighbor or friend for help, paying for a meal delivery service, or hiring a personal assistant like Sherah. We don't need someone to teach us that. But even when we sign up for resources that help us, there's a second hurdle to overcome to actually use and maximize the very thing we just signed up for.

That's where structure comes in. If you've read Atomic Habits by James Clear, you know what I'm talking about here. Clear teaches us how the compounding effects of small, consistent changes are what lead to big results that improve our well-being. So he reminds us to focus on our systems that run our everyday lives and not so much on the goals themselves. And the beginning of a new year is the perfect time to relook at the systems that are running our lives, our families and our homes and get organized.

That’s where Sherah is helpful both in January and throughout the year. Let's sit down together and take a look at the two big systems in your life: your physical space and your digital space. As a Sherah member, you get a FREE 2025 planning call with your team for us to look at these areas of your life, get them organized, and proactively plan out your year.

Getting Your Physical Space Organized in the New Year

Our physical space is one of the biggest systems in our lives. It affects how we sleep, how we work, how efficient we are, how we feel. And there are two big steps to improving our physical spaces - getting our home organized and then the ongoing maintenance of that home.

There's a reason why home organization and decluttering companies are popping up everywhere. We have so much stuff and we're spending more time at home than ever before now that more people are working from home! At Sherah, we work every day to help our members declutter and organize their smaller spaces like closets and toy rooms. For bigger cleanouts, we work with local partners like Cut the Clutter in Richmond, Virginia and others across the country because they are truly pros at getting your whole house in tip top condition. They know how to do it quickly using their trained teams and they are the best at knowing exactly how to organize specific spaces so you get more use out of them.

Once your home is organized, everything feels easier. But then you have to keep it organized and maintain the structure of the home you've invested in. That includes regular home maintenance on the home itself, the systems and the appliances running the home. And don't forget about the outside! It's too much for most families to keep up with which is why Sherah created a handy Annual Home Maintenance Calendar  — a guide of the top tasks you need tackle each month to keep your home in good shape throughout the seasons and your investment protected over the decades.

Getting Your Digital Life Organized for the New Year

Just like your physical environment, your digital life is just as important today. Let's face it, our calendar, email, phones and text messages dominate how our daily life runs, whether it goes smoothly, and how often we are interrupted. So we need to take time at the start of every year to get this system in our life in order as well.

First up is your email. Instead of looking at your inbox and ignoring the growing number of unread messages, let's get this productivity powerhouse working for you instead of against you. Using rules, filters, marking senders as spam and unsubscribing from marketing emails, it is possible to get your inbox down to zero - that's right, zero - unread emails. And even more importantly, it is possible to make sure the important emails actually stand out and get read.

Now that your email is in order, next up is your calendar. Your digital calendar is possibly THE most important part of running your life smoothly AND getting the most out of your year. Start by adding all the important dates for the year upfront. Plus let’s make sure your calendar reflects your priorities and includes time for the things that bring you joy.

  • Workouts

  • Family birthdays and anniversaries

  • School dates and breaks

  • Doctors' appointments

  • Date nights

  • Family and couple vacations

  • Girls' getaways!

Plan Your New Year with Intention

Make it your best year yet

As moms, it’s easy to put ourselves last. Not this year!

From making sure your workout time is sacred on your daily calendar to getting your closet cleaned out and organized so you can find the clothes that make you feel your best, this year is about you.

As they say in the airline industry, we need to put our oxygen mask on first before we can help others.

Let's make 2025 your best year yet together!

Already a member? Click here and schedule your FREE new member 2025 planning call. Not a member yet? Click here.

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