As a busy parent, we all know that efficiency is key. And while multi-tasking serves us well to get it all done, there is also value to focusing on one thing at a time.
When it comes to our calendars, scheduling important events in advance, on repeat, and all at one time will save you hours of work and headaches down the road. Plus you have things already on the calendar to look forward to all year long.
Here are six buckets below that we highly recommend you book in advance and all at once. Sit down for one hour and book them out for the next year. Even if you can't book the exact dates and times for some, you can at least pencil them in as tentative for now.
Weekly Movement + Time for YOU - First and foremost, you come first. As the airlines say, put your air mask on first so you can then help take care of others. Whatever makes you move your body, bring you joy, and breathe more easily, book this time for you. Every day doesn't have to be a challenging workout. Remember to be intentional about finding time each day to be present, to check in with yourself, and to focus on your breath and surroundings.
Weekly Family Calendar Meeting - We recommend every Sunday that you book an hour alone or with your partner to sit down and look at the week ahead. It can be over coffee, sitting on the back deck, but get those calendars out and look ahead at what's to come, where you have to be and when, and how you will get it done. This is also a great time to figure out your to-do list for the week, who is doing what, and which tasks to delegate to Sherah.
Recurring Self Care Appointments - The most efficient people book their self-care routine an entire year out. Therapy. Hair cuts. Color. Waxing. Doctor. Dentist. Nails. The list goes on. Get it booked all at once in advance and you'll no longer find yourself wishing your roots and nails were done, yet having to wait to see your favorite person. Plus you'll get bumped up on your self care providers' favorites list. Some even offer discounts when you book in advance.
Monthly Date Night (or Day Dates) - Maybe it's the last Friday afternoon of every month when you knock off work early and before the kids are home so part of your date is covered by school. Or the last Saturday so you can do a night out on the town with dinner, a show, and dessert after. Go ahead and confirm the sitter for the recurring date for a full year too. Start booking the events and dinner reservations if you want to go out. Similar to your hair stylist, your sitter will also love knowing they have some extra money coming their way consistently.
Regular Friends Nights Out - Now these are the nights that give us something really exciting to look forward to. A night out with so much laughter that your cheeks hurt when you get home is always good for the soul. Some people book time with the same group of old friends every month. Some people love having a night every month to invite a new friend out and get to know them better. Some people allow spouses to come every once in awhile for couples dates nights. You do you, but make it fun and relaxing to do something different from your routine and really connect with others.
Seasonal Travel Plans - You know the school schedule now for the year, so go ahead and start planning. Holiday trips. Spring Break. Long weekends. Beach trip 2025. Have a specific place you want to go? Sign up for emails to get discounts sent to you. Set airfare alerts for dream destinations. Or just book it now and be done with it!
As always, you can do these yourself or one of our Sherah personal assistants can do it for you when you're a Sherah member. We're always here to help free you up and help your life run more smoothly.